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Enterprise Features, yet Simple

Empowering Stakeholders to succeed

Your key to GOVERNANCE


Build and scale a repeatable process

Develop a customized project management strategy utilizing templates and methodologies. Ensure consistency throughout every project by making the outcome repeatable every single time.

Implement an all-encompassing Executive-level view to oversee multiple initiatives, resources and activities.

Provide the Executive Team with real-time metrics to help them make the right decisions at the right time.


resource managers

Allocate with confidence

Review your team's allocation and assign resources with confidence.
Forecast your team's availability and simplify the hiring process.



Make decisions based on data

With real-time metric, instantly gain a comprehensive understanding of the status of all projects. Make data-driven decisions rather than hearsay.

Monitor progress and identify issues as they arise, and see who is responsible for addressing them.

Use metrics to track progress and guarantee success.

Your key to EFFICIENCY

One tool to manage the whole project lifecycle

Manage all aspects of the project including task assignments, establishing milestones, monitoring budget, generating progress reports, document meetings, coordinating with external vendors and more.

Continuosly monitor and stay informed about all developments to maintain a competitive edge

Managing multiple projects has never been so efficient.


Working together for a better outcome

Understand your project's scope. Check your tasks, set your own reminders, and update your status. Fully collaborate and co-author documents from wherever you are.

No more endless meetings and email chains spent on reporting and updates.

Keep conversations focused

With dedicated chats for every component, you can keep it focused where it matters



Involve all partners

Give your customers, partners, and vendors access to projects as Guests or full Team members.

Just invite them with their own email address, and they can securely join you and your team all the way to success.

Putting Projects first while driving transformation

Features List

PMLC Framework

From Initiation to Close. A single platform for all your needs

PMO Ready

Clear process, uniform deliveries, and complete oversight

Programs & Portfolios

Group projects and report in context

Budget Management

Integrated and flexible budget management for tracking and forecasts

Task Management

Delegate tasks and have a full overview

Advanced Scheduler

Powerful, yet simple with all the bells and whistles

Gate Management

Make critical decision at the right junction


Never forget a task. Add a reminder and have piece of mind

Project Intake Management

Foster and manage project initiatives in a simple and efficient way

Meeting Minutes

Make your meetings counts and automatically create follow ups


Log everything. Assign follow ups. Ensure accountability

Executive Dashboards

Make a decision in seconds with unified views for busy executives

Change Requests

Keep track of all changes and never be surprised

Smart Document Repository

All documents at your fingertips

Resource Allocation

A simple way to allocate resources and monitor availability

My Dashboard

Unified view of everything you are involved with

Automated Status Reports

Weekly Status reports done in minutes


Track your resources' actuals and properly forecast your projects


Automatically create timelines for your presentations with a single click

Role Based Access

Only see what you are allowed to see


Make your process bulletproof. Templates for everything.

Documents Co-authoring & Version history

Work with your team on the same documents at the same time

Vendor Management

Track expenses and automatically update the budget

Agile Manager

Manage backlog and sprints properly


Metrics to monitor your KPI


Automatically rate project permformances

Discussion in context

Separate chats, in real-time, for each item

Vacations Calendar

Centralized calendar dedicated to vacations and days-off

Don't take our word for it, try it TODAY and see for yourself

14-day free trial | No credit card needed

happy people

request a demo

See how Completix can help your project practice

Book a free personalized demo today and one of our team member will get back to you shortly.

lead the way


Create a methodology and make templates for your process to enable a consistent project delivery, and ensure your process is followed.

The perfect solution If you are following a certified or auditable process.

follow a Process


If you choose a gating approach, we make it extremely easy for you and for your team.

All required deliverables are clearly stated with the right templates to use.

A PMO dream come true.

keep it Consistent


Upload or create new templates, business documents, Project frameworks,, change requests, and more.

Your team can simply focus on working on the document rather than spending time to find the right one to use.


Decision Points made simple. Deliverables made uniform.

Create the perfect process for the Project Manager to follow, include the templates and monitor the progress.

With a powerful approval process, you can rest assured your methodology will be properly followed.

minutes meeting

Capture everything, so everyone knows what is happening.

Capture the minutes and automatically update the RAID with just a click.
Assign tasks and follow up directly from the minutes.
Now, this is progress!

Discussion in context, in real-time

RAID Management made simple. It's all ready for you with all the bells and whistles. Discuss in context to keep it focused.


Scheduler or Sprints manager, we have them all

Regardless of your delivery style, you can schedule all of your activities in the best way possible. All the functionalities you need the most at your disposal.
Chose the view that you like the most, table, charts or calendar.

We are sure, it will feel VERY familiar right away.

status report

It takes only a minute to update your stakeholders

The Project Status is" the "Report". Just post it to create a snapshot and you are done. Share it with your stakeholders to ensure alignment. An incredible time saver for busy Project Managers.

With a customizable view and powerful graphs, you and your stakeholders are always a step ahead.

Protect your investment with a Unified Dashboard for busy Executives

Within seconds, spot trends, identify issues and make critical decisions.
A single page summary that provides 360


visibility and gives you real time unified data for all your projects, investments, and resources.

A decision based on data eliminates the guess and can save your project.


Integrated budget totally connected to your project

Customize the budget the way you want or import your favorite Excel template and simply use it in your project. It's all connected. It's all automated.

We have created a revolutionary way to track your budget that is simple, functional and already familiar to you.

resource management
resource view
Invoice matching

Know exactly what everyone is working on

An extremely simple way to allocate resources and display their availability with the ability to "throttle" as required. Projects are dynamic and so is the allocation.

So efficient and so easy, that it will become an invaluable tool for your organization.

Track expenses and automatically update the budget for a seamless vendor management integration

program repository

Find a document in seconds

Organize your documents the way you want and leverage the intelligent folders to find all linked files. Completix saves you hours of work by making documents and their preview available in a simple and clear way.

Collaborate with co-authoring

Work together on the same documents at the same time without the need to download them. With a powerful Version History capability rest assured your documents are always protected.

Edit and create Word and Excel type documents

Create new and open existing Word documents and Excel sheets directly from Completix. Import your favorite templates and use them freely.

Keep your changes in check

Organize all your Change Requests in a single location. Use templates, attach documents and track their status. Automatically update the budget when needed.

Keep your changes in check and avoid surprises..

PMLC Framework

  • Phase/Gating Management
  • Scope Management
  • Cost Management
  • Time Management
  • Risk Management
  • Change Management
  • Resource Management
  • Quality Management
  • Communication Management

PMO Ready

  • Project Intake Management
  • Gating Process with Approval Workflow
  • Change Request Management
  • Executive Summary Views
  • Resource Allocation
  • Timesheets and Resource Actuals
  • Documents Templates
  • Gating Templates
  • Project Templates
  • Calendar Templates
  • Schedule Templates
  • Budget Templates
  • Communication Plan Templates

Programs & Portfolios

  • Cross Projects Portfolio Support
  • Program and Project Executive Views
  • Program Support

Budget Management

  • Spreadsheet style
  • Fully customizable
  • Fully integrated
  • Tracking
  • Forecast
  • Resource allocation and actual
  • Capex/Opex support

Task Management

  • Kanban Style Board
  • Multi Color support 
  • Task Reminders
  • Progress Tracking
  • Assign to Resources
  • Support for Checklist

Advanced Scheduler

  • Task Dependencies
  • Effort and Actuals
  • Milestones
  • Changes Highlighting
  • Task Reminders
  • Task Indentation
  • Critical Path
  • Alternate Calendars
  • Progress Tracking
  • Interactive Gantt 
  • Fully customizable Gating Process
  • Multiple Gating  processes support
  • Document Templates
  • Progress Tracking
  • Approval Workflow
  • Documents Preview
  • Add a Note to Deliverables


  • Schedule Task Reminders
  • RAID Reminders
  • Custom Reminders
  • Reminders Summary View

Project Intake Management

  • Project requests submission by authorized users
  • Workflow submission and approval
  • Project Intake Management
  • One click “Intake to Project” creation

Meeting Minutes

  • Agenda
  • Topic
  • Owner “follow ups”
  • “Auto Add” to RAID logs
  • Email to participants
  • Advanced Search


  • Risk Log
  • Action Log
  • Issue Log
  • Decision Log with Approval workflow
  • List view / Board view

Executive Dashboards

  • Project Summary
  • Program Summary 
  • Portfolio Summary 
  • Resources Summary 
  • Outstanding Approvals
  • Consolidated Data
  • Powerful Search and Filters

Change Requests

  • Multi Document Attachments
  • Change Request Form
  • Document Previews
  • Approval Workflow
  • Automated Budget impact update

Smart Document Repository

  • Co-authoring for Word and Excel type documents
  • Upload and Preview of any type of document
  • Automated Document Templates Folder
  • Automated Linked Artifacts Folder
  • Document level security

Resource Allocation

  • Project allocation
  • Over-allocation Alert
  • Allocation Summary View
  • Allocation “throttle” with history
  • Site resources allocation unified view

My Dashboard

  • My Projects Summary View – Unified
  • My Risks Summary View – Unified
  • My Issues Summary View – Unified
  • My Tasks Summary View – Unified
  • My Reminders Summary View – Unified
  • Powerful Search and Filters

Automated Status Reports

  • Fully integrated data
  • Manual data override with Live Sync option
  • Customizable view
  • Historical graphs


  • Gantt style
  • Interactive
  • Dependencies
  • Zoom in/out


  • Documents Templates
  • Schedule Templates
  • Budget Templates
  • Calendar Templates
  • Gating Templates
  • Communication Plan Templates
  • Project Templates
  • Change Request Form Template


Jun 7, 2024

  • New – Change Request impacting the schedule are now automatically updating the “Approved end date” of the project and are clearly flagged. 
  • New – Project duration (in days) is now displayed in the overview page and in the status report. 
  • Improved – Schedule and RAID filters have been improved
  • New – Baseline capability has been added to the schedule
  • New – Schedule history is now available. The schedule automatically save itself and provides multipole restore points
  • Improved – New triggers have been added to the warning engine to better support more use cases
  • New – Search is now available across the entire site  and covers multiple items
  • Improved: project search now includes RAID items
  • New: In the Simplified view, we have added the Tasks Kanban view. The Kanban view is now the default one

Apr 20, 2024

  • New – Document search is indexed and fully integrated with external drives (OD. GD. etc).
  • Improved – Schedule and RAID filters have been improved 
  • Improved – Milestones in gantt chart are placed in different level when colliding
  • Improved – CSV exports data improvement
  • Improved – Dashboards columns are also customizable “per user” and can be set directly in the dashboard.
  • Fix – Fixed bugs in schedule and RAID where resources couldn’t be copied via context menu

Mar 16, 2024

  • New – OneDrive Integration (2-way) 
  • New – Google Drive Integration (2-way)
  • New – Schedule Kanban view
  • New – Tracking and Operational initiatives have been simplified and add the ability to migrate to a full project
  • Improved – Document templates can now be organized into folders

Jan 29, 2024

  • Improved – Site Settings’ UI has a new look with explanation and guide
  • New – Portfolio status can now be exported unified 
  • New – Jira Integration (2-way)
  • New– MS Project Integration (2-way)
  • New– Simplified view – Record is committed automatically

Dec 22, 2023

  • New – Introduced a FREE plan
  • New – Introduced a new trigger-based Warning engine
  • New – Added charts for budget’s status
  • New– Added Portfolio Manager role
  • New– Added Portfolio view in My Dash for assigned Portfolio Managers
  • New – Project type can be hidden if not in use
  • Improved – Status reports now export in PDF landscape for better readability

Nov 25, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • New – RAID Cards in Kanban mode have an updated look
  • New – Added 5 custom budget fields. You can track your own custom financial targets and display them in the various dashboards and status reports
  • New – Budget templates can now be created by importing directly from MS Excel
  • New– When, in a project, components are hidden, all related options are also hidden
  • New– Added a Resource view for Portfolios

Nov 5, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • New – Introduced Operational and Task Tracking as type of initiatives
  • New – Project type tags are now colored differently for a better experience
  • New – Project types are now tracked in the Dashboards
  • New– Added ability to show/hide all details’ components separately in the Overview page 
  • New – Added a “Note” field in vendor expenses.

Oct 5, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • New – Introduced Financials lock
  • New – Dashboards: added alert icons for values over the baseline 

Sep 6, 2023

  • Fix – Fixed FY calculation in PM Dashboard
  • New – Introduced a new Trial start Welcome guided setup
  • New – Table’s headers have a new and improved look
  • New – Added option to include/exclude any given project in the overall Budget and/or Financials calculations
  • New – Added option to enable/disable the budget fiscal on a per project basis

Aug 25, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • Update – We updated all internal libraries to the latest version 
  • New – Introduced a Simplified project type to be used for task tracking type activities
  • New – Increased the number of components that can be turned off separately
  • New – Tasks can now be added directly from the dashboards
  • New – The Trial plan has been simplified by turning off, by default, all advanced components. All features can be turn back on in the Site settings
  • New – Individual users can now customize their dashboards by show/hide columns of data. Go to “My Account” to customize it.

Aug 10, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • New – Grouping of resources in MyTeams
  • New – Pre-built budget “Estimates vs Actuals”
  • New – Status report now has a new widget: Summary bar
  • New – More components can be turned off separately
  • New – New tasks can be added directly from the dashboard

Completix for mobile is not ready yet

We are working hard creating a mobile version that meets your needs