Invite Resources to your site
Resources can be added directly from a Project or via the Admin panel.
From the Admin Panel, resources can only be “Invited” to join Completix without being assigned to a project yet. Resources can be part of projects or not depending on their role within your company.
You can invite Resources or Guests. Resources will be driven by license availability meanwhile Guest are always free and unlimited but have limited access to projects only. You can bulk add names using the semicolon to separate.
If you need help with Completix’s roles, please click on the infobox for a proper description.
Invite a Resource
When you select to invite a Resource to the Site, simply typing the email address. If you want to “bulk invite”, just add email addresses separated by a semicolon.
Additionally, you need to select the Site role. By default the role is set to Team Member
When you are done, click on the “Invite” button and your resource will be displayed in the Site User page.
Invite a Guest
When you select to invite a Guest to the Site, simply typing the email address. If you want to “bulk invite”, just add email addresses separated by a semicolon.
When you are done, click on the “Invite” button and your resource will be displayed in the Site User page.
The Site Admin User Page - Access Level and Subscription
In this page, you will see ALL active users in your Site and can set the following:
- Access Level to the Site
- Additional Permission
- Subscription status. A Pending status means the user has been invited but has not accepted yet.
All fields are editable and can be changed at anytime. Please be careful when changing, as the access level will change accordingly.
The Site Admin User Page - User Profile
This page shows the details for ALL users in your Site.
- Team/Dept: you can type or select the department the resource is working for
- Title: the resource’s job title/job function within the company
- Location: the resource’s location (ex. city)
- Reports to: the resource’s manager. This is an optional field used for Timesheet approvals workflow for non-project activities.
- Rate/hr: the rate used to calculate the resource’s allocation estimate and the effort. This rate will be copied into each project upon creation and can be changed within the project for greater flexibility.